The Giving Fund - Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible for the giving fund?

All Team Members in good standing who have been with their restaurants for 90 days. The qualifying event must have occurred after your 91st day of employment.

Where can I apply for the Giving Fund?

You can find the application here. There are also links located on Workday, The Vault and

What situations are eligible for Giving Fund assistance?

Only sudden and unexpected events that have occurred within the past four months are eligible for assistance under the Giving Fund guidelines.


  • Emergency: A situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property or environment.
  • Catastrophic Event: An event that is extremely harmful, bringing physical or financial ruin.

Not Eligible

  • Progressive Situation: A situation that has been gradually happening for a long period of time.

Is my Giving Fund application confidential?

Yes. Your application is strictly confidential and will only be shared with your supervisor (who approves your request by emailing your Giving Fund Committee Rep) and the Giving Fund Committee (who is required to review your documentation to determine the approval amount).

Is documentation required?

Yes. You must provide tangible documentation that supports the emergency or catastrophic event to be eligible for assistance (for example: paystubs, doctor notes, statements from your insurance company, copy of eviction notice, police report, etc.). See documentation requirements.

Why do you need supporting documentation?

The Giving Fund guidelines have been approved by the IRS and they require that every check issued, has proper documentation that supports the emergency or catastrophic event; without documentation, the Foundation risks losing its nonprofit status.

When is documentation due?

All documentation is due at the time of submission of application. Documentation must be dated within four months of the date of the emergency to be eligible for assistance. If asked to provide additional documentation by a committee member, it must be uploaded on or before the Friday prior to the next call.

When does the Giving Fund Committee meet?

The committee meets bi-weekly, generally on Wednesdays.

What if my documentation comes in Monday or Tuesday the week of the meeting?

It will need to wait until the next bi-weekly meeting.

Can you make an emergency approval without having to wait for the next meeting?

Yes, but only if there is an eviction or utility shut-off scheduled before the date of the next meeting or if there has been a death and the funeral home will not proceed with the service until paid.

What is the maximum amount of assistance?

The maximum amount of assistance is up to $5000 per Team Member.

If I have fallen behind on my bills can I apply for assistance?

The Giving Fund guidelines state that there must have been an emergency or catastrophic event that has occurred within the past four months causing you to fall behind on your bills to be eligible for assistance otherwise it is considered a progressive situation which is not eligible.

Are robberies or theft eligible emergencies?

The guidelines do not cover stolen personal property items such as cash, computers, phones, etc. However, it does assist with necessary items that were damaged due to the robbery such as broke windows/doors, cost of new locks, etc.

Who are considered immediate family members?

The fund covers Team Members and their spouse and/or children.

Are veterinarian bills eligible for assistance?


Are former employees be eligible for assistance?

No, the Giving Fund is only available for current Red Robin Team Members who are active and in good standing in the system. This includes full-time and part-time employees.

Am I eligible to apply if I don't currently donate to the Giving Fund?


Can the Giving Fund help if someone in my family has passed away?

The Giving Fund could help with up to one week of lost wages and up to $800 in travel assistance reimbursement to attend the funeral of a spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, or legal guardian only. Necessary expenses for a funeral service may be covered for your spouse or child and in some extreme cases your parent or legal guardian if you are solely responsible for the funeral expenses. (Giving Fund does not cover aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, in-laws, or friends.)

Are evictions or foreclosures eligible for assistance?

Yes, but only if the Team Member has suffered an emergency or catastrophic event within the past four months that led them to fall behind on their payments. The emergency event must be supported with documentation.

Are pregnancy costs eligible for assistance?

Typical pregnancy costs for a normal term and delivery are not covered as this is an expected event. If there are any unexpected complications with the pregnancy that prevent the Team Member from working or add additional costs such as a premature delivery, etc. are eligible for assistance.

Are divorce costs eligible for assistance?

Since divorces are planned events, most of them are not eligible for assistance. In some rare cases, the Giving Fund may be able to assist with emergency shelter if domestic abuse is confirmed with a police report.

Are traffic tickets or court fees eligible for assistance?


Where do my payroll deductions go if I have enrolled to donate to the Giving Fund?

The funds received through payroll deductions are tax-deductible donations that go directly to the Giving Fund and Team Members in need of assistance.

What should I do if I believe a Team Member has made a fraudulent request for assistance?

We take fraudulent requests very seriously! Please send an email to or call us at 303-846-5492. Your name will remain confidential.

When and how do I receive the money if my request is approved?

The committee has up to 7 days to issue checks, although they are typically issued the day after the bi-weekly committee calls. All check requests are distributed to your restaurant location via FedEx.

Who is my Giving Fund representative?

You can find your representative in the committee directory. For additional questions, please contact the Red Robin Foundation at or call 303-846-5492